What to keep and what to chuck!

It is funny how attached we can become to THINGS. As if a part of who we are lies within our STUFF. And we know with our minds that this is simply not true, but our emotions reveal that it might be something that we believe deep in the hidden corners of our hearts. We will have to let go of some stuff before we leave in May. And deciding what should stay and what should go is no easy task. Not even for the kids. Charma really wants to take her bedside table and her bedside lamp along. Declan wants to take ALL his remote controlled cars. I want to take my piano (hahahahaha.... :-) I know....) Pieter wants to take his tools. (Of course his stuff is the most practical of all of our things...) But we will have to sort through things and let go. Why do we hold on to stuff? I have concluded that we hold onto it, because of 2 things: We need it We are overly sentimental about it This hurts, because I really do not want to let go of albums and pictures and books - a...