
Wys tans plasings vanaf Oktober, 2010

Buzz Lightyear

So, the pressure of having a kiddie party is on! The venue we had Declan's party at is a park, with a playground, and it looked nice enought to have a party at (especially since we don't have much of a yard at our house). We chose the "Buzz Lightyear" theme and got the cake and face-painted our son to look like the action figure. Little did we know what parties for 3 year-olds are SUPPOSED to look like! Upon arrival, another little man was having his party, and they had it all - the nicely decorated "mini" tables and chairs, the 4 Buzz Lightyear toys on the table, with mini Woody(s) hanhing from the giant "Toy Story 3" signs on the table. Small buckets fille with sweets as party packs for the kids, and a huge poster standing next to a tree to confirm the theme. So my husband - who left before me to set things up, chose to set up right next to this perfect little Toy Story themed party. I kept on wondering if I couldn't - with the 1 hour total t

Ons eie Buzz Lightyear

Declan verjaar oor 4 dae, en hy word 3 jaar oud. As mense hom vra wat sy naam is, dan sê hy vol vertroue "My naam is Buzz!" Pappa is natuurlik Woody en ek is Jessie. Buzz het spesiale vlerke en hy kan vlieg. Declan mag dalk nie op banke staan en spring nie, maar dis nie wat Buzz doen nie, Buzz is besig om te vlieg. Dan val hy natuurlik ook en breek sy arm af. Maar dit kan ons altyd regmaak... So, volgende naweek is dit sy partytjie. Vanoggend het ons die Buzz koppies, borde, tafeldoek, fluitjies, ballonne en kaartjies gekoop. Die Buzz-koek is bestel en die groot vraag is, sal die persent 'n fiets wees of sal dit 'n groot Buzz Lightyear wees? Darem is Buzz 'n oulike karakter - hy is 'n goeie vriend vir Woody, hy glo in goeie goed, en hy vloek nie. Hy skop en slaan niemand nie en hy stamp nie sy maatjies nie. Declan is ook darem meeste van die tyd so!