Making PROGRESS... little by little

So, we have quite a hectic list of things to get done BEFORE we can go on our ROADTRIP..

And in the meantime life keeps on happening and stuff need to get done. So these past few weeks were semi-hectic because Mr. Cloete was not at home for a while, and apart from having to do the home-side of things on my own (kids, dinner, etc) I also had to get quite a lot of work-things done on my own (meetings, deadlines, etc.)

So anyway, a few highs from the few past weeks:

  • Our president resigned! (***shouts of joy!!!***)
  • It started raining in the Cape (could these 2 be related??)
  • I went to the farm 
  • We started exploring Pretoria!
  • My little princess danced in a ballet in the State Theatre :-) :-)

As far as our "to-do-list"is concerned - we also made some progress:

  • Our beloved Kelina found another job and is happy:
Kelina has been working for us ever since the little princess was 4 months old. So we have been quite emotional all week from just thinking that we will not be seeing each other again for 12 months. 
How spoilt we are in South Africa! Now we have to do most of the cleaning myself...

We will be needing passports for when we drive through Lesotho & Swaziland...
  • We have notified the kids' school that we are taking them out and we have registered for homeschooling with the Department of Education
I must say I am a little nervous about this part.. homeschooling seems like a foreign idea (although I know a few homeschoolers who have and are doing this very successfully). I am however looking forward to the additional time spent with my kids. They are so hungry for learning, and they at least still WANT to be with us.
  • We have listed our house to rent it out, and we might have found tenants...(holding thumbs!)
  • Both Pieter and I have joined the MCSA (Mountain Club of South Africa - and we CANNOT WAIT to explore all that they have to offer!
  • And we have started to pack ... a little...
We are REALLY excited and so are the kids. Our planning-pages on the sides of our map of South Africa have grown so heavy from all the pages I stapled to it, that they are falling off the wall.

I will have to start making a little file to carry along everywhere..


Charne het gesê …
Sounds good, exciting and busy ;-) oh and the homeschooling? No worries, no'll be amazed how much they learn. Been there done that.
Rut Cloete het gesê …
Oh thank you! Xxxx
It's good to hear from other moms that it is "do-able"💜

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