Gamkaskloof - the road to a hidden paradise

The start of the road into Gamkaskloof. If you go straight, you carry on with the Swartberg pass (which is also amazingly beautiful) Warning sign at the start of the road The memorial to the guy who arranged for the road to be built Suddenly none of us had anything left to say. In absolute silence we struggled down the last 10 kms of the 400 metre drop into the kloof. I kept on thinking how great it was that we had bought the Pajero... the Polo would have made the ride a little .... ominous. The winding road down into the kloof Breathtakingly beautiful scenery surrounded us. The barren mountaintops of the Swartberge had transformed into something magically fruitful in the kloof. Beauty on the outside with trembling on the inside made for a feeling of ecstacy only unventured roads can bring. Contrasts everywhere. Nerve-wrecking to say the least. I hate to admit it, but I was glad tha t Mr Cloete ended up coming with on this trip that was mea...