Social Media, Connecting and being disconnected

So we have been wondering about how we will be keeping in touch with everyone who cares and how we will be sharing our story during our travels.

Blogging is a given - it is a little like keeping a diary... but I know that most people these days (myself included) are really too lazy busy to read blog posts. Blogs will be posted though, whether or not they will be read :-) because I think it might just turn into a nice little keepsake for us afterwards.

My 10 year old son is even keeping a blog on his experiences. He has already started during the school holidays last year  - check it out here.

The next idea is to share a video-diary. Videos and images get the most views on social media and I personally also love looking at them. So we will post videos onto youtube and share on facebook and instagram.

But it is not going not be about that: the big social media rush to get more likes, more follows, more interactions....  Our goal is not ACTUALLY to become travel bloggers, or vloggers. We are just going to be capturing our story as simply as we possibly can without shifting our focus from the journey to the telling of it.  

So, with that thought process completed, we jumped in and tried to get the kids to sit in an orderly fashion and speak into the camera. What chaos! We did have a lot of try-outs until we ended up with this - enjoy!


Charne het gesê …
Ek is ouderwets so ek gaan blog ook lees ;-) Ek wonder wie van julle gaan 'n sketchbook journal hou? Van al die blommetjies en diere en insekte en al daai interessante goete wat julle gaan sien :D
Rut Cloete het gesê …
oe jaaa! Ek het juis hierdie week in 'n skryfbehoefte winkel gestaan en kyk na boeke met dikker papier in - dan kan mens daarop verf ook!! Ek wil verseker dit self doen, en my kinders ook probeer motiveer om dit te probeer.

Gewilde plasings van hierdie blog

Week 74 en 75 - die einde van hierdie avontuur

Gamkaskloof - the road to a hidden paradise

Declan se oulike sê-goed